At the core of Success, is ‘Drive’
Courage, Grit, Confidence, Optimism, Intelligence, Skill, are all key to success, but the most important of all is ‘Drive’.
At the core of achieving challenging goals, is an insatiable hunger, burning desire to make it happen.
When one is driven to succeed, they will muster courage, face their fears, move out of comfort zones, acquire new skills, and persevere in the face of difficulty.
We could all have our own definitions of ‘success’. We could all be chasing different goals…but what determines whether and when we get there, is how driven we are.
Did you spend time to figure out what drives you? Only when you recognize this, can you take on the biggest challenges and go after the loftiest goals without flinching.
How does this drive manifest itself?
Here are some characteristics of ‘driven’ individuals:
§ They have a tendency to dream BIG
§ They exhibit an intense desire to achieve their goals
§ Their passion towards their dreams fuels their effort
§ They are ready to take calculated risks
§ They do not give in to fear
§ They do not let failure defeat or deter them
§ They harbour a positive mindset
§ They have a thirst for knowledge
§ They have a growth mindset
§ They are ready to invest in themselves
§ They are keen to go the extra mile
§ They do not give up, ever
Whether we’re running the rat race or blazing a trail of our own, this ‘drive’ is what keeps us going. It is the wind beneath our wings, the fuel that lights our fire. It is what makes us come alive.
To quote Howard Thurman — “Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
Find your passion, seek out your purpose, kindle the drive within and go after your wildest dreams.
We have, but one life — lets leave a legacy.
I’ll leave you with the quote made famous by Steve Jobs — ‘Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish’.