The Moments That Matter — Make Them Count
When you get your day in the sun, your chance to shine, will you be as ready as can be?
When you really think about it, the essence of life boils down to those few pivotal moments which shape who you are and define your trajectory.
When you look back at your journey so far, there would be a few moments which stand out, for they determined the course of your life. Your attitude and actions during these moments made the difference between who you might have been and who you are today.
When a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity presents itself, do you shy away or grab it both hands? When life gives you lemons, do you sulk or make a lemonade? When you are on the precipice of an impending change, do you dive right in and gain a first-mover advantage, or do you hold back?
The way you react in these moments determines whether you are a winner or an also-ran.
In order to make the best of these moments focus on the 6Cs:
1) Clarity of thought — knowing what you want
When you are sure of where you want to go, when you are clear about your priorities and are unambiguous about what you are ready to sacrifice to reach your goal, you are ready. In order to gain this clarity, think about your goals, create your vision board and write down your thoughts.
2) Conviction in yourself and in your dreams
When you believe in your dreams and in your potential to achieve them, when you trust your ability to do whatever it takes to reach your goal, when you know what led to the dream in the first place and you believe where it came from, you are ready. In order to get there, talk about your dreams, celebrate your wins and build confidence, which in turn will build conviction.
3) Courage to dive into the unknown
When you set a goal that may be difficult, challenging, yet is the only thing that you are ready to accept, when you decide that anything lesser would not do, when you are driven by the desire to attain your goal, you are ready. In order to do this, build your risk appetite, take the road not taken, move out of your comfort zone and build resilience and the ability to bounce back.
4) Capability built through preparation
When you realize that your target is not easy, yet you are ready to put in all the work required, when you see that there is an easy way out, but are clear that you do not want to spare any effort, when you tirelessly spend not just days and weeks, but months and years working towards your goal, you are ready. Spend time to figure out what it will take to achieve your goal and decide that you will give it your best shot.
5) Conditioning of your attitude to see the positive in every situation
When you do not let setbacks deter you, when you see the light at the end of the tunnel, when you pick yourself up every time you fall, when you view every failure as a learning experience, as a necessary detour on your path to victory, you are ready. In order to get there, work on your attitude, practice optimism, draw inspiration from success stories and believe that you are meant to win, eventually.
6) Counsel of people who you respect and trust
When you are not afraid to bare your soul — your deepest fears and strongest desires, when you do not let pride come in the way of seeking advice, when you find people who you trust and look up to, when you invest time in building relationships that stand the test of time, you are ready. Realize that you will need support on your journey and create an inner circle that you can rely on.
Did you ever feel that way? As if all your life was leading up to this one moment?
When you get your day in the sun, your chance to shine, are you going to be as ready as can be?
Let me leave you with a quote:
“Take a chance and you may lose. Take not a chance and you have lost already.” — Soren Kierkegaard